In the hangar, Stivz layed still on a platform with glass sides. His hair was still, his entire surroundings were still. The only light that shined on him was the faint glow of the red exit sign on the other side of the garage. His eyes were closed, and his heart was still. Wildwing sat on the hood of the Triton and looked over the body of his dead friend. He had his head in his hands, and he was thinking about how all of this happened. He rubbed his hands over his face and held them on his beak. He took one last look at his friend before turning in to bed. When he glanced at the body, he noticed a faint pulsating light coming from the top of Stivz's hand. He bent in to take a closer look and peered through the glass. He saw the ring Stivz was talking about on Stivz's finger.
The diamond in the middle of the ring was glowing, and the light was pulsating slowly, getting brighter and brighter with every second that ticked by.
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