Stivz: The Duck with the Silver Mask

Part 4 of 4

"Sure, Wing!" Stivz replied. "How else could I have gotten here?"
"We're leaving!" said Wildwing as he brought his white mask to his beak. The mask changed color to a shiny gold as well as his battle gear appeared instantly.
With that, all the other Ducks magically changed into their battle gear.
Stivz's battle gear also shined onto his body. A flash of silver shined on his beak, and after it died down, the silver mask was left.
I'll go ahead and get out in front!" said Stivz as he ran towards the elevator.
"Good," said Wildwing. "Everyone else, into the Migrator!"

Stivz ran out the doors of the Pond and into the front parking area. His PowerForce was right where he left it. He started it up, and the engine roared to life. He peeled out of the Pond parking lot and headed on the stretch of highway towards town. As he passed the Duck Dog advertisement sign, it lifted up into the air, and out from the underground speed tunnel shot the Migrator, with all the other Ducks inside. Stivz checked to see if his WristCom was linked with the Ducks'.
"Can you hear me?" Stivz asked into his watch.
"We hear you loud and clear, buddy boy!!" Nosedive replied.
"Good, then I'd like to order three double cheeseburgers and two medium cokes, please!" Stivz joked.
"Would you like a hot apple pie with that?" Dive laughed.
"Did I ask for freakin' apple pie?!"

The two supervehicles raced through the city of Anaheim until they reached the foothills. Stivz drove the truck off to the side of the road and parked it in some trees. The Migrator parked behind him. The Ducks got out of their wheels and followed Stivz into a clearing behind the trees to where the spacecraft was. Stivz looked around. Something was wrong.
"This is not right." noted Stivz. "I left the entrance hatch closed and now it's open."
The Ducks looked at the open door of the ship. Stivz and Wildwing activated their masks and scanned the ship's insides. Mallory and Nosedive looked at the two in amazement. They were now working as a team, when earlier one wanted to kill the other. Duke and Grin just smiled, while Tanya kept on looking at the door. When she turned around, Stivz and Wing had their weapons ready. Wildwing raised his left arm and pointed his fist at the ship, and Stivz pulled his puck rifle from the holster strapped to his leg, and he charged it. The engine inside the rifle hummed from a low pitch to a high one. Mallory listened to the sound, she liked the sound of the rifle.
"Lizards!!" Stivz whispered. The Ducks immediately armed their puck blasters and puck cannons. Duke drew his DuckSabre, poised for battle. Just then, Siege and the Chameleon appeared at the door. Their arms occupied by bulyrium crystals.
"Drop 'em, geek-o-saur." growled Wildwing. Siege managed to grab a tachyon blaster and started firing. The Ducks returned fire. The Chameleon did his best to avoid the speeding pucks as he radioed in to Dragonous.
"Boss! We need some help down here!!"
Dragonous responded by sending two dozen hunter drones around the Ducks. They all armed their laser cannons. The Ducks were once again surrounded, as they were in the Raptor. Wildwing's face fell under the mask. He was about to give up when Stivz stepped out into the open. "Stivz! What are you doing??" cried Tanya. Stivz had a wide grin on his face.
"Payback time!" said Stivz in a low voice under his smile as he charged his puck rifle.
He sent a barrage of blazing pucks out around him. Two by two, the blistering pucks were buried deep into the armor of the drones. Laser fire mixed in with the blue speeding pucks. Dust and machinery flew up and around Stivz.
Stivz cocked the gun once again and fired into the smoke and dust. He then heard the sound of pucks connecting with the bodies of Saurians. As the smoke and dust cleared, the Ducks could see that the two Saurians had their arms around their heads, and they had dropped the crystals. As the Chameleon pulled his hands away from his face, he saw that the crystals were sitting only five feet away from him on the ground out in the open. Chameleon took a dive for the power crystals. The crystals were then shattered by a blue flash right before Chameleon hit the ground. Siege looked over and saw Stivz and Wildwing. Both their puck weapons were smoking. Wildwing destroyed the bulyrium crystals with one shot.
"We better get out of here!" Siege said. With that, the pair teleported out of the area. The Ducks were safe and the crystals were gone, eliminating any chance of Dragonous repowering the Raptor. Stivz looked around him. All that was left on the ground was a bunch of twisted metal. Sweat was reflecting the sun off of the silver mask. Wildwing put his hand on Stivz's shoulder. "C'mon buddy. Let's go home."

Back at the Pond, the sun was just touching the horizon. The sunlight shone through West doors of the Pond. The Ducks were sitting in the seats as they watched Stivz skate around on the ice. Stivz then sat down and laid down on the ice, taking in the cool soothing feeling. "This ice reminds me of PuckWorld." he said. "Memories are starting to come back now."
The other Ducks watched Stivz as he picked himself off the ice and made his way to them. He saw Wildwing with his arm around Mallory. He smiled at the couple. He then looked down at his feet and sighed.
"What's wrong?" asked Tanya.
"Oh it's nothing much," Stivz replied. "It's just that I miss PuckWorld, and, I miss my girlfriend. She probably has forgotten about me."
Duke put an arm around Stivz. "I wouldn't worry about it, S, we all miss PuckWorld. And we'll find a way to get back there soon enough."

Stivz soon became the backup for Duke at the center position. He helped the team win more games, and in the fight against Dragonous. He became known all over Anaheim. He had brought new technology, and new fighting skills to the team. The Ducks finally inducted him into the Mighty Ducks. Stivz was now a Mighty Duck, as Stivz: The Duck With The Silver Mask.

Stivz: The Duck with the Silver Mask is the creation of Alex Stivers .

Look for the next story with Stivz in "Love in Another Dimension" , the first part in the Mighty Ducks-The Second Line!

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